Partnership for Goals is required for our projects to see the light and for their fruitful success. PhoenixEarth Initiative collaborated internally, externally with stakeholders and with consumers at large to pursue our sustainability journey.

The official wording is SDG is "Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development". The Goal has 17 targets to be achieved by 2030, broken down into five categories: finance, technology, capacity building, trade and systemic issues.


PhoenixEarth Initiative collaborates with several NGOs and partners from the island for various sustainability initiatives. These initiatives are sponsored by Phoenix Beverages Group and we support our partners during their campaigns through our participations.

Activations through these partnerships are conducted all year round to collect plastic waste, set up recycling bins, raise awareness on an ecological lifestyle and more.

We also have joint ventures which allow us to find sustainable ways of conducting our business. These partnerships help us refine our business model while being ecological in our actions.

Goal Targets

  • Work with regulators and business partners to increase the positive impact of our activities on society and the environment
  • Partner with NGOs with the same sustainable goals
  • Work in collaboration with CSR drivers for sustainable projects